

Peluang dan Cabaran Sektor Ekonomi GIG

Ekonomi Gig merupakan salah satu daripada pelbagai model perniagaan dalam e-Dagang atau Ekonomi Digital yang tertakluk kepada Seksyen 4 (a) di bawah ACP, 1967.

Privasi dan Keselamatan Data di Era Digital

Dalam era digital yang semakin maju dan berkembang pesat, privasi dan keselamatan data menjadi semakin penting, justeru setiap kita diperingatkan agar mengambil langkah-langkah yang perlu bagi melindungi maklumat-maklumat peribadi kita.

Science, Technology, Innovation and Economics in the Malaysian Scenario

An overview of science, technology, innovation and economics (STIE), a concept introduced in Malaysia’s National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy 2021-2030 as a fundamental element in the country’s policy and development.

The Many Applications of AI

A look at real-world applications of artificial intelligence (AI) that are expected or has been creating significant impact.

Kepentingan Teknologi AI Dalam Sistem Pentadbiran Kerajaan

Teknologi kecerdasan buatan (AI) telah menjadi komponen penting dalam pelbagai bidang termasuk pentadbiran, pendidikan, pertanian dan sebagainya kerana ia berupaya membawa transformasi dalam sesebuah organisasi dengan menawarkan penyelesaian yang lebih cekap, tepat, dan berkesan.

NADI Bridging the Digital Divide

For rural communities, the National Information Dissemination Centre or NADI initiative have led to significant impacts in the way they utilise the Internet and technology to improve their digital skills, knowledge and living standards.

Paving the Path to a Green Future

Sarawak is leveraging its natural resources to power economic growth and support socio-economic development. The state’s commitment to renewable energy is underscored by significant investments, strategic partnerships, and initiatives such as the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE) and the Net Energy Metering scheme.

Vision for a Digitally Connected Sarawak

Sarawak Digital and Connectivity Day showcased innovations and initiatives aimed at enhancing rural connectivity, highlighting the MySDEC app and MySRBN service, driving digital inclusion across Sarawak.

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