

Pertanian Berasas Teknologi Untuk Makanan Masa Depan

Penggunaan teknologi baharu yang boleh diaplikasikan dan dikomersilkan dalam sektor pertanian perlu dimanfaatkan agar hasil pertanian mampu memenuhi permintaan makanan dalam negara seterusnya mengurangkan kebergantungan terhadap makanan import.

Technology Vital to Address Food Security

The utilisation of technology and innovation for food security is vital to ensure economic and social development.

Solving Food Wastage Using Technology

As food wastage becomes a huge problem, technology has shown to be a promising solution in resolving food wastage around the world.

How 3D Printing Can Change The Way We Eat

Three-dimensional printing (3D printing) technology has been used in various fields such as environmental fields, medical systems and now, the food industry.

Program AFF Kukuhkan Pembangunan Pertanian

Dana Fasilitasi Pertanian atau Agriculture Facilitation Fund (AFF) telah dilaksanakan oleh Kerajaan Sarawak sejak 2019 menerusi Kementerian Pemodenan Pertanian, Tanah Adat dan Pembangunan Wilayah Sarawak (MANRED) serta Jabatan Pertanian Sarawak.

How TKPM Plays a Huge Role in Sarawak’s Agriculture Scene

The establishment of the permanent food production park or Taman Kekal Pengeluaran Makanan (TKPM) in Sarawak plays a huge role in the Sarawak’s agriculture scene.

Smart Farming in Sarawak

To production efficiency and also the quality of the produce, the agriculture sector being the main food producer needs to incorporate advanced technologies into smart farming.

Technology a Crucial Ingredient in Sarawak’s Agricultural Transformation

The use of technology and prioritisation of R&D will enable Sarawak to meet the targeted outcomes and measures that are set to be achieved by 2030, as outlined under the agricultural sector of the Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery Strategic Plan drafted by the Ministry of Modernisation of Agriculture, Native Land and Regional Development Sarawak.

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